Please Note: We are away for the 2nd half of September, so if you need your order quickly, please place it before Thursday September 12th.
from: Don Conreaux

June 16 – 26 GAUNTS ANNUAL TRAINING UK (10 Days)

Aidan McIntyre and Don Conreaux
The ten day / nine night full Gongmaster Training comprises both theory and practice sessions with optional pre-breakfast additional Yoga sessions for those who wish to continue their early morning yoga practice or those wishing to enjoy a preview of the structured Gong Yoga sessions taking place towards the end of the course. The full course offers:

  • 54 hours of teaching including timetabled Gong Yoga

  • 15 hours minimum of gong baths

  • 8 hours of an All-night continuous playing Gong Puja

  • 8 hours pre-breakfast optional Yoga

  • Total training of 85 hours over 10 days

  • Participation in a student led group performance and gong bath

  • Additional one-to-one training available in free time with experienced, returning students

  • Hand-out notes

  • Each student will have a private assessment consultation with Aidan McIntyre

  • Certification

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